2011年3月5日 星期六

First blog post

Hello, Everyone!

I'm a new ppl who have a YT channel right now, hope you guy enjoy my video, and thanks for watching! ^^

Here is my YT channel link below!


2 則留言:

  1. woohoo~ yay! you got a blogspot! tehehehe. you have to blog alot now~ hahaha

    oh and about the olay cream.... i like the cream more than the serum. however, i dont rlly see any changes to my face which is probably due to the factor that im technically not at the age that really needs anti-aging yet. so i dont rlly know..... ^.^

    cant wait for your next utube vid. or blogpost.

  2. I didn't know you have a blog! I have followed you now. ADD OIL with your fabulous videos!
